Ag Educators,
a) The world population is projected to surpass 9 billion people by the year 2050.
b) World food production in the next 40 years must equal the food produced in the previous 10,000 years combined.
c) 50% of U.S. farm equity is projected to change hands in the next 15 years.
d) NOW is the time to "Believe in the Future of Agriculture".
The documentary includes several Iowa farmers, and the idea for the documentary was established when the producer learned about FFA. In 2011-12, Graham Meriwether (producer) provided many screenings of American Meat in Iowa high schools. The goal was to create discussion among young and old interested in food production. Filmings for "Farmers For America" started in 2012, in Iowa.
Prairie Lakes AEA and ISU Extension have a shared room which seats about 150 people. This is the Storm Lake FFA Chapter's first event, and our eleven members are excited to meet FFA members, parents and farmers. All are welcome and we need to know your attendance by Feb. 13th!
(Storm Lake FFA members may provide rolls/donuts.)